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USCIS Increases Maximum Validity Period for Certain Employment Authorization Documents

The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) issued policy guidance increasing the maximum validity period for certain Form I-765 Employment Authorization Documents (EADs) to five years. Previously, the USCIS only provided a one- or two-year validity period for certain EADs. The purpose of this policy is to help USCIS decrease its application backlogs and processing times for these applications. 

The new guidance, issued on Sept. 27, now states:

  • For individuals admitted as refugees, granted asylum, and granted withholding of deportation or removal, initial and renewal EADs' maximum validity will be extended from two years to five years.
  • For individuals with pending applications for asylum or withholding of removal and with pending applications for adjustment of status under Section 245 of the INA, initial and renewal EADs' maximum validity will be extended from two years to five years.
  • For individuals with pending applications for suspension of deportation or cancellation of removal, initial and renewal EADs' maximum validity will be extended from one year to five years.
  • For individuals who were paroled as refugees, initial and renewal EADs' maximum validity period will be increased from one year to the end date of the authorized parole period, not to exceed five years.


immigration, labor & employment, labor and employment